Every summer for the past 8 years, the retro gamers of Austin, TX have joined together to celebrate all things related to classic video games at CLASSIC GAME FEST. What began as a small retro game tournament and party at Game Over Videogames, CGF is now a full-size convention that stands tall all on its own. For CGF2015, this event will once again be held at the Palmer Events Center which includes over 25,000sf of classic video game fun for the whole family with an estimated attendance of over 6000+ gamers of all ages. As in years past, this year’s event includes a huge mix of video game bands, special industry guest speakers, costume contests, retro game tournaments, classic arcades set on free play, and of course, TONS of retro video games, systems, accessories, and related artwork for sale!

Today it was announced that “Lord British” himself, Richard Garriott, will be the keynote speaker on opening day, Saturday, July 25th. This icon of classic PC gaming, space traveler, and industry leader will be presenting “Ultima Online Post Mortem: A Lord British and Lord Blackthorn Perspective” live on the main stage at noon. This will be immediately followed by a Q&A session with the crowd asking questions, and then Richard will be available for a meet and greet with fans at his booth which will showcase his current project, Shroud of the Avatar — the unofficial followup to Ultima Online. Richard’s new company, Portalarium, is anxious to show off this amazing NEW world they have created for both fans of the classic series and to attract new fans as well. Appearing alongside Richard will be long-time collaborator, Starr Long, and several other key players from this amazing group of gaming pioneers.

For more info on special guests, announcements, vendor booths, or any other questions about CGF, please email info@classicgamefest.com.